A few weeks back Terry tagged me for the Shrink meme. I was in the middle of my blue funk so while I knew I wanted to respond, after all, he graciously responded to mine, I figured it might be a while. Well, I'm feeling a might more energetic this weekend so here we go! And for its lateness, "Terry, I'm sorry!"
The Rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you (that's me!).
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about you in your blog post.
4. Tag six people in your post.
5. Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
OK, so I'm supposed to link to Terry. So there you go! If you want to read his response to the meme just click on his name in that first sentence. :)
I did the posting of the rules above. Actually they were the first thing I put into this post. I figured I didn't want to be bouncing back and forth between blogs to remember what I was supposed to be doing. Have I ever mentioned that I'm ADD and have a short active working memory? Well it's true! I am and have. Makes for some interesting social situations. Okay, now to the 6 random things.
1) I think I already mentioned one random thing. Being ADD is important to me because it means that, knowing that, I can work on ways to get around it.
2) I've taken Ballet, Tap, Ballroom, Country Western at various times in my life. Yep, I love to dance!
3) The most interesting thing I've learned about myself lately came from my mother. We were discussing the situation of my birth, at home and lengthy labor, when she told me that for the first few weeks (or was it months?) of my childhood, someone had to hold me 24/7. Apparently I screamed if I was put down. So my mother and I stayed with her parents while my dad went off to fight in the Korean War and my grandparents and Mom all took turns holding me through the long nights and days. I have nothing but sympathy for my parents and grandparents. I've known a child with colic who needed to be held and rocked till the discomfort subsided. It's so frustrating because you want to comfort the child but few things seem to work and not consistently. So a belated but heartfelt, "Thank you!" to my mother and grandparents for that loving and devoted care.
4) This may be a repeat from an earlier meme, but I wrote a history paper on my home town. When I went back to college in 2002 one of the courses I took was US History Part 2, taught by Robert Hines at Palo Alto Community College. One of Hines's course requirements was to write a history of a small town in Texas with the intent that we learn to understand how history is written and developed. So I chose the town I grew up in because I had 2 generations of family that had lived there. The paper got me an A, and because I took the time to turn it into a web page for the professor, it got me enough scholastic points that I was able to escape the final exam for that course. That was a first for me. The paper also got me my first and only radio interview along side the teacher on an early morning talk show. If you are interested in reading the history of Mercedes, TX, go here.

OK, now I'm supposed to tag 6 people and let them know. Let's see, I tag San, Sandi, JS (& wife if she wants to), Paschal, Susan (if she can find the time), and ALT.