Friday, August 08, 2008

Eco-friendly and Economical

From Yahoo Green, the Huddler's Green Home blog presented me with ways to cook green. I was pleased to find I already use one of the most eco-friendly methods of boiling water for my tea, the microwave. However, things can almost always be improved So, based on their suggestion, I'm going to try to find a short power strip chord that has a switch so that I can turn it off without getting down on my knees and reaching behind the bakers rack it sits on. I think I'll start unplugging the coffee maker too. Who needs three clocks in the kitchen?

The article is a wealth of information on earth friendly and cost saving options, as is the entire Yahoo Green site. Below is the snippet about power and the microwave. If you're interested in going green and/or saving money I encourage you to visit via the links provided.

  • Your most environmentally friendly cooking option- the microwave. Microwaves use between one-fifth and one-half as much energy as conventional stoves. If you have a countertop unit (rather than a wall mounted unit), consider unplugging between uses to save on vampire power.


david mcmahon said...

I'm green with envy, Lee.

Loved your information about stained glass. That was fascinating. It would make such a great post on your blog.

Let's see, in anwer to your question, I;m guessing red or gold would have to be the most expensive?

Lee said...

LOL David you are such a card.

You're right. It might. I'll think on it.

And again, you are right. Ruby Red is fired with gold in it. Yellow green (it glows) is fired with uranium in it. A true gold color is hard to accomplish since it is a metal, but you can get close with a blend of various other colors. Copper color is kind of cool.
