Thursday, December 06, 2007

A Hilarious Memory

David McMahon in his latest post used part of the lyrics from the Purple People Eater song. That was a memory from my childhood. It came out in 1958, so I was all of 6 years old at the time. Strangely, I remember singing the lyrics later in life when I was a teenager living in Weslaco. We must have had a record of it at one time. If you've never heard the song, please take the time to listen to it. It is hilarious and so outlandish that it is no wonder I still remember it almost 50 years later. (G)

Additional thoughts:
It occurred to me that this is a bit of pop culture from my early years. They have whole games devoted to this kind of thing. Perhaps this song played a part in some later pop culture memories. When I was listening to it I thought I heard part of an old commercial that came out later. Does anyone besides me hear a line or two from "We wear short shorts"?


San said...

Hey, Lee, I love that song too. I hadn't thought of it in a while and then, Halloween week, someone played it on the radio here.

Who wears short shorts? I remember that one as a jingle for a hair removal product. Or something. I know it had its basis in a hit song though.

david mcmahon said...

Great work, Lee. Honestly, I didn;t know the song was that old. It still stacks up very well, doesn;t it?!!!!

Lee said...

San, you are right. It was indeed for a hair removal product. I had forgotten that. I think I was more interested in the short shorts. I had legs that could wear them at that time in my life. :)


Lee said...

Yes it does, David! There were some better sounding audios of the song on YouTube but I wanted to go for the authentic feel of the original artist. Glad you liked it.


david mcmahon said...

Hi Lee,

Glad you liked my parrot post. I also wondered how long it had been `parked' there!

Lee said...

Hi David, great minds think alike. I'm always so delighted with your puns and word play. Where on earth did you learn it?
