Sport: Ice Skating
Yatzee Color: red
Movie: I cycle between 3 favorites: Twister, The American President, and Practical Magic
Broadway Play I've Seen: Phantom of the Opera
Song: Because I've been playlisting there are too many possibilities, but the first one that came to mind was, "What Kind of Fool Am I?" Still looking for this one for the playlist.
Favorite City Visited: Asheville, NC - it had this "walk me" feel in the Biltmore Village part of it.
Favorite Foreign City Visited: Nassau, Bahamas which is the only foreign city I've visited.
Book: If by favorite you mean I reread it, that would be the Bible. Other books get read and put on the shelf.
Children's Book: The Dragons are Singing Tonight by Jack Prelutsky
The Dragons Are Singing Tonight
Awake in their lairs underground,
To sing in cacophonous chorus
And fill the whole world with their sound.
They sing of the days of their glory,
They sing of their exploits of old,
Of maidens and Knights, and of fiery fights,
And guarding vast caches gold.
Some of their voices are treble,
And some of their voices are deep,
But all of their voices are thunderous,
And no one can get any sleep.
I lie in my bed and I listen,
Enchanted and filled with delight,
To songs I can hear only one night a year--
The dragons are singing tonight.
~ © Jack Prelutsky
Classic TV Show: My Favorite Martian
Recent TV Show: Charmed
Actor: Mel Gibson
Actress: Sandra Bullock
Perfume: Moonlight Path
Food: After yesterday's supper - Pot roast w/ potatoes, carrots, onions, and celery. Yumm!
Dessert: Cherry Pie a la mode if Dark Chocolate Lava cake isn't available.
Chain Restaurant: Churches but that's too fattening so I frequent Pizza Hut instead.
Local Restaurant: Ernesto's
Car: that's the car I own, a Toyota Camary. :)
Condiment: mayo
Kitchen Appliance: dish washer
Home Appliance: toaster oven
Beauty Product: Origins
Favorite Clothing: This terry knit top that has hooks to close and 3/4 sleeves. Pale green. Warm, comfy, and can be discrete or not so much.
HGTV Show: don't have cable
Food Network show: don't have satellite either
Author: Susan Palwick whose writing has a conscience.
Male Songwriter: John Denver, his songs were playable for the amateur.
Female Songwriter: don't have one of these.
Holiday: Christmas
Christmas Ballet: The Nutcracker - you mean there's another?
Disney Character: Mickey Mouse
Alcoholic Drink: Coffee w/ Irish Cream
Non Alcoholic Drink: Milk, coffee, and tea in that order
Magazine: Body + Soul
Animated Movie: Aladdin
Mini Series: 10th Kingdom
Season: Spring and Fall
Male Vocalist: don't have just one
Female Vocalist: don't have just one of these either
Musical Group: Now this I do have, Peter, Paul & Mary!
Day of Week: Sunday
Household Chore: Wiping off the kitchen counters - the whole place just looks better.
Ice Cream: Rocky Road
Candy: anything with more than 65% cacao in it.
Artist: Michael Whelan
Quotation: my current signature which my sister gave me. It is from an 8 year old child with cancer: Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning how to dance in the rain.
So there you have it. If you like these things and want to play along feel free. I thought it was very clever of Sandi to have her title link to Susie Q's blog. :)